Nuclear Power

Light Water Reactors

Nuclear Power Usage Worldwide
Uranium Reserves and Usage
Light Water Reactors
Pebble Bed Reactors
Nuclear Power - Pros and Cons
New England Expansion

3. Explain what a light water reactor is and why we are resistant to countries like North Korea having this technology.

A Light Water Nuclear Reactor Diagram

A light water nuclear reactor is a thermal nuclear reactor that uses ordinary water as its moderator (see heavy water for specific differences, but heavy water basically contains a higher proportion of deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen)as well as the cooling agent and the means by which heat is removed to produce steam for turning the turbines of the electric generators.

The US is against North Korea's building of light water reactors because it of its efforts to build nuclear weapons with the technology under Korea's leader Kim Jong Il. In 1994, North Korea and The United States signed an Agreed Framework in which the US would help North Korea build two nuclear reactors in exchange for the dismantling of the country's nuclear weapons program. In 2002, the North Korean government admitted to producing nuclear weapons since the agreement, citing the building was because of the growing tensions with the United States under George Bush and South Korea's owning nuclear weapons too.

Kim Jong Il reneged on an agreement with the US over the building of nuclear weapons.

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